Of THE Baltimore-Metro Chapter
Section 1.01: The name of the organization shall be the Baltimore Metro Chapter, Alumni Association of Lincoln University, PA.
Section 1.01: The purpose of the organization shall be as follows:
(a) To cultivate and foster a close fellowship among the graduates and former students of the university living in the Baltimore vicinity.
(b) To promote the best interest of the university.
(c) To support and advance the cause of higher education.
(d) To encourage and support a close relationship with the Alumni Association of the university.
ARTICLE III. chapter MEMBERSHIP guidelines
Section 1.01: There shall be three classes of membership
(a) Regular Membership
(i) Regular financial: those members who are financial for the current calendar year and who have graduated and hold degrees from the university or have completed at least one (1) full year of work at the university and left in good standing or not having completed such work and upon the sponsorship of three (3) members of the Association have been approved for membership in the Association by majority vote of two thirds of the members present at the regular stated meeting.
(ii) Regular nonfinancial members: those who qualify for any provision stated above but who are not financial for the current calendar year.
(b) Honorary Membership
(i) Those who have received honorary degrees from the university not having attended its courses.
(c) Associate Membership
(i) Those who are members of faculty (nongraduates); those who are holders of certificates or equivalents from programs as sanctioned by the Executive Committee, or who have completed at least one year’s work.
(ii) Associate members shall not hold office or have voting privileges.
Section 1.02: Rights and Privileges of Membership
(a) All classes of regular financial members shall be entitled to the rights and privileges of the Association and subject to duties and liabilities of full membership, except that only regular financial members shall be eligible to vote and hold office in the Association.
(b) Financial honorary members shall be eligible to vote but cannot hold any office in the Association.
Section 1.03: Grant newly graduated LU students non-dues paying Chapter membership (1) Non-dues paying members, which include recent Baltimore metropolitan area graduates/alumni of Lincoln University, can participate in chapter meetings. However, such members have no voting privileges and shall not hold any office.
Section 1.01: The officers of the organization shall be President, First and Second Vice Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, Parliamentarian, Chaplain and Historian. All officers of the organization shall be elected with the exception of the Chaplain and Historian.
Section 1.02: Chapter Representative of the Alumni Association of Lincoln University
(a) The Chapter Representative shall attend all General Alumni Association meetings and report back to the chapter.
(b) The Chapter Representative represents the interest of the chapter and is empowered to vote on behalf of the chapter at national meetings on issues affecting the operation of the AALU
(c) The Chapter Representative is appointed by the President.
Section 1.03: Eligibility
(a) Officers of the Association shall be:
(i) financial with the Alumni Association, at the national and local level;
(ii) if seeking reelection or to remain in office, must be financial at both the national and local chapter levels;
(iii) Life members are exempt from national alumni Association dues, but must be financial with the local chapter on a yearly basis.
Section 1.04: Duties of Officers
(a) It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings, to appoint all committees and chairpersons of committees and to call special meetings as his/her judgment may direct. The President shall be charged with the responsibility of seeing that all business of the Association is conducted in strict conformity with the Constitution. The President shall be ex officio of all committees, with the exception of the Nominating and Auditing Committees. The President shall cosign all contract and checks pertaining to the Association. The President to be bonded at the expense of the Chapter.
(i) The President at his or her discretion may appoint a member of the Executive Committee to cosign checks in the President’s absence. The appointed cosigner shall be approved by a majority of the Executive Committee.
(b) The Vice Presidents shall cooperate with the President, shall be directly responsible to the President and shall assume the duties of the President in his/her absence or incapacity.
(i) The First Vice President shall serve as chairperson of the Executive Committee.
(ii) The Second Vice President shall serve as chairperson of the Program Committee.
(c) The office of Secretary shall be served in the capacity of two officers as (1) Recording and (2) Correspondence Secretary.
(i) The Recording Secretary duties shall be to take and maintain all the official minutes of the organization’s meetings and maintain the records of past meetings, including the noting and indexing of any and all amendments to previous minutes, reports of general matters and proposals under discussion. The Recording Secretary shall record all monies received and disbursed by the organization. The recording secretary in consultation with the president shall prepare the agenda for the monthly meeting, along with any discussion points. The Recording Secretary shall be duly responsible for co- signing all contracts pertaining to the organization.
(ii) The Corresponding Secretary duties shall be to maintain communications to various members of the local and national organization, as appropriate, through notifications of all meetings and to direct all communicative correspondence to appropriate persons, as it pertains to the official business of the organization. The corresponding secretary shall promote the public voice of the organization and receive all correspondence and materials on its behalf. The Corresponding Secretary shall be duly responsible for co-signing all contracts pertaining to the organization. The Corresponding Secretary shall keep the membership roster updated.
(d) The Treasurer shall be the custodian of all funds of the Association for which he/she shall be bonded at the cost of the Association. The Treasurer shall deposit all such funds in a financial institution approved by the Association or the Executive Committee in the name of the Alumni Association of Lincoln University, PA, Baltimore Metro Chapter. The Treasurer shall prepare written monthly reports of all monies over which he/she has custody. The Treasurer shall present the books for auditing to the Auditing Committee by July 15th of each fiscal year. The Treasurer shall disburse funds as directed by the Association. The Treasurer shall cosign all checks pertaining to the Association. The Treasurer maintains a list of the financial status of all members of the Association. The Treasurer shall be a member of the Finance Committee. The Treasurer to be bonded at the expense of the Chapter.
(e) The Financial Secretary shall
(1) record all monies received and disbursed by the organization.
(2) Keep an account record of all receipts and payment authorizations for the Treasurer’s financial records.
(3) Give a receipt for all chapter monies received and remit to the Treasurer or deposit immediately in the Chapter’s account, providing evidence of the deposit to the Treasurer.
(4) Prepare and present the Financial Secretary’s report at Chapter meetings.
(5) The Financial Secretary is to secure bonding at the expense of the Chapter.
(6) The Financial Secretary shall be a member of the finance committee.
(7) Incidentally, the Financial Secretary shall co-sign all checks pertaining to the organization.
(8) The Financial Secretary’s name shall be on the organization’s bank account.
(f) The Parliamentarian shall be responsible for the interpretation of Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised and the constitution of the Baltimore Metro Chapter. The Parliamentarian shall advise the president, other executive officers, committees and members, in matters of parliamentary procedure.
(g) The Chaplain shall promote and develop the spiritual life of the Association.
(h) The Historian shall be responsible for compiling and keeping a permanent record of the activities of the Association and shall publish the same from time to time.
Section 1.01: The officers shall be elected at the regularly scheduled meeting to be held in the month of June and shall be installed immediately.
Section 1.02: The election of officers of the Association shall be held by ballot every two (2) years. Officers shall be elected for a period of two (2) years and are eligible for reelection except that the President shall serve only two (2) successive terms.
Section 1.03: A list of candidates shall be prepared and presented to the members at the May meeting by the Nominating Committee Chairperson. Nominations from the floor may also be accepted at the May and June meetings. Prior to the regularly scheduled meeting in June a list of candidates nominated for each office shall be prepared and sent out to all members.
Section 1.04: All such elections shall be conducted by the Chairperson of the Nominating Committee who will be appointed by the President.
Section 1.05: All elections shall be by secret ballot.
Section 1.01: The presence of one half plus one, dues paying members shall constitute a quorum at the regularly scheduled monthly meetings for the transaction of business of the Association. Such meetings shall be presided over by the President or the highest-ranking elected officer in the absence of the President.
If there is a quorum at the beginning of the General meeting, business will be conducted by those remaining throughout the meeting as long as there are 12 members present.
If no quorum:
Business will be conducted by a minimum of 12 voting members not including the president who can break tie votes.
The president will postpone voting and reschedule a special meeting for voting.
The Correspondence Secretary will send out ballots electronically to voting members. A deadline will be provided for return ballots. Ballots received by the deadline will be counted for business outcome.
Section 1.02: All financial matters shall be passed on at the regularly scheduled monthly meetings of the Association.
Section 1.03: The regular monthly meeting of the Baltimore Metropolitan Alumni Association shall be held every first Saturday of each month (September-June).
Section 1.04: Meetings may be canceled and/or rescheduled by the President due to emergency situations. In the event of inclement weather, at the discretion of the President, meetings will be held at the scheduled time by conference call, virtual platform, or rescheduled. The time and location of the rescheduled meeting shall be designated by the President.
Section 1.01: The Standing Committees of the Association shall be the Executive, Program, Athletic, Finance, Public Relations, Financial Aid, Membership, Hospitality/Sunshine and Recruitment/Student
(a) The Executive Committee, chaired by the First Vice President, shall consist of all elected officers and committee chairpersons. The Executive Committee shall meet prior to the regularly scheduled monthly meeting of the Association.
(b) The Program Committee, chaired by the Second Vice President, shall be responsible for planning the programs of the Association. All committee chairpersons shall be members of the Program Committee.
(c) The Athletic Committee shall be responsible for helping to foster and improve athletic programs for the University.
(d) The Finance Committee shall be responsible for overseeing the financial operations of the Association and to prepare an annual budget, subject to approval by the Association.
(e) The Public Relations Committee shall be responsible for promoting events and activities sponsored by the Association.
(f) The Financial Aid Committee shall be responsible for reviewing financial aid applications and making recommendations to the Association for approval. The Financial Aid committee shall also be responsible for conducting activities, which generate revenue for the scholarship fund.
(g) The Membership Committee shall be responsible for recruiting new members, retaining current members, and reclaiming inactive members for the Association.
(h) The Hospitality/Sunshine Committee shall be responsible for expressing sympathy, well wishes, congratulations, etc., via cards, flowers, etc., to alumni. The Committee will also be responsible for the hospitality of the Association.
(i) The Recruitment/Student shall represent Lincoln University as a local student recruiter for Baltimore Metro area and vicinity. Which includes being available to assist the office of admission/recruitment at Lincoln University when needed to visit local schools, college fairs and “college reveal day”, etc. To foster an on-going relationship with this group of students while they matriculate thru Lincoln University via care- packages, back to school essentials, etc.
Section 1.02: The Special Committees of the organization shall be the Auditing Committee and the Nominating Committee.
(a) The Auditing Committee shall be responsible for the auditing of the financial records and books of account of the Association. The results of the audit shall be reported at the September meeting. Members of the Auditing Committee shall not consist of current officers. The President shall appoint the chairperson of the Auditing Committee.
(b) The Nominating Committee shall prepare a slate of candidates for each office. The Nominating Committee shall also distribute the ballots, collect the ballots, count the ballots and announce the results of the election.
Section 1.03: All committee chairpersons shall be charged with submitting an annual budget for their committee to the Finance Committee.
Section 1.01: The annual dues of the Association shall be set each year by the Association at the last regular meeting of the calendar year.
Section 1.01: This constitution will be accepted when ratified by the Association.
Section 1.02: This constitution may be amended by a majority of the dues paying members at any regularly scheduled monthly meeting provided that there is a quorum after the membership has been duly notified of the proposed amendment in writing and further provided the amendment(s) has been read at one preceding meeting.
1.01: In the event of the dissolution of the Baltimore Metro Chapter, Alumni Association of Lincoln University, PA, assets will become the property of the Alumni Association, to be used for the support and aid of needy students at Lincoln University.
UPDATED: April 1, 2023